

Just spotted photographer Eric Pickersgill’s work on our relationship with our phones and, of course, the impact that our behavior has on our real relationships thanks to this BBC News article. So creepy!

The REMOVED project ( and is such a great reminder to be mindful with how we use the devices in our lives. I think I’ll make one of those photos my home screen to have a constant reminder…


Tesla’s Solar Plans

Tom Randall for Bloomberg Technology on Tesla’s recent SolarCity acquisition:

Tesla isn’t just a car company looking to buy a solar company. It’s also a battery company that wants to link its two biggest markets: energy supply (solar) with energy demand (electric cars).

And later, citing BNEF estimates:

By 2020, Tesla is aiming to bring the cost of battery packs down to about $100 per kWh—from an industry average of $1,000 in 2010

Me thinks, if a single company can connect the dots – between clean energy production, storage, re-selling excess, and usage – it will be hugely successful.


New Tweetbot under way

Good news for Tweetbot fans.


Canon EOS M Getting Attention

Canon Rumours reports:

We’re told Canon is actively developing EOS M and EF-M products and 2016 will be the year they “get serious about the platform”.

Can’t wait to see what that means.  I love the form factor and the build quality of the series. More than ready to upgrade though from my gen 1 now.


Moving between an analog and a smarty-pants watch?

John Gruber is having mild Apple Watch withdrawals

Over the weekend, I went back to a mechanical watch for the first time since March 30. I caught myself swiping it a few times, but the main thing is that I kept glancing at it to see the temperature outside. Also, I felt a vague nagging guilt about the inevitable gap in my fitness/activity history.